Page 39 - The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution in 20 Questions
P. 39

How Far Back do Traces of Man Go? Why do These not Support Evolution?

             the debate about the fossil and writes:

                   Whatever the outcome, the skull shows, once and for all, that the
                   old idea of a "missing link" is bunk... It should now be quite plain
                   that the very idea of the missing link, always shaky, is now com-
                   pletely untenable.  22

                 As we have seen, the increasing number of discoveries is produc-
             ing results opposed to the theory of evolution, not in favour of it. If
             such an evolutionary process had happened in the past, there should
             be many traces of it, and each new discovery should further strengthen
             the theory. In fact, in The Origin of Species, Darwin claimed that science
             would develop in just that direction. In his view, the only problem fac-
             ing his theory in the fossil record was a lack of fossil discoveries. He
             hoped that future research would unearth countless fossils to support
             his theory. However, subsequent scientific discoveries have actually
             proved Darwin's dreams to be totally unfounded.

                 The importance of human-linked remains

                 The discoveries regarding man, of which we have seen a few ex-
             amples here, reveal very important truths. In particular, they have
             once again demonstrated what a great product of fantasy the evolu-
             tionists' claim that man's ancestor was an ape-like creature is. For this
             reason, it is out of the question that these ape species could be man's
                 In conclusion, the fossil record shows us that man came into exis-
             tence millions of years ago in just the same form as he is now, and that he
             has come down to the present with absolutely no evolutionary develop-
             ment. If they claim to be genuinely scientific and honest, evolutionists
             should throw their imaginary progression from ape to man into the bin at
             this point. The fact that they do not give up this spurious family tree
             shows that evolution is not a theory that is defended in the name of sci-
             ence, but rather a dogma they are struggling to keep alive in the face of

             the scientific facts.
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