Page 35 - The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution in 20 Questions
P. 35
1975 PORTRAYAL OF NEANDERTHALS - Geheimnisse der Urzeit, Deutsche Übersetzung, 1975
Since the beginning of the Neanderthal culture have shown
twentieth century, evolution- that these people were not semi-
ists have been portraying the apes. For example, this 26,000-
Neanderthals, a vanished year-old needle proved that
human race, as semi-ape Neanderthals were civilised hu-
creatures. The above por- mans who possessed the ability to
trayal of Neanderthals was sew. As a result of this, evolutionist
used as evolutionist propa- publications such as National
ganda for decades. However, Geographic had to start portraying
since the 1980s this myth has them as civilised, as in the picture
begun to collapse. Both fossil below.
studies and traces of
2000 PORTRAYAL OF NEANDERTHALS - National Geographic, July 2000