Page 37 - The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution in 20 Questions
P. 37
How Far Back do Traces of Man Go? Why do These not Support Evolution?
Hypothesis 1 Hypothesis 2
Present day
Present day
9 9
8 Homo sapiens 8 Homo sapiens
Homo erectus Homo erectus
4 5 4 5
Pleistocene Pleistocene
1.8 My ago 6 ? 7 Paranthropus boisei 1.8 My ago 6 ? 7
Homo habilis (small) 2 Homo habilis (large) 3 Paranthropus robustus 2 Homo habilis (small) 3 Homo habilis (large) Paranthropus robustus Paranthropus boisei
1 Australopithecus africanus Paranthropus aethiopicus 1 Australopithecus africanus Paranthropus aethiopicus
Australopithecus afarensis Australopithecus afarensis
Pliocene Pliocene 35
5 My ago 5 My ago
Hypothesis 3 Despite 150 years of propagandistic evolution-
Present day ist research into the origin of man, the fossils
9 discovered show that the first human beings
8 Homo sapiens suddenly appeared on the Earth, with no "ape-
Homo erectus like ancestor." The three different hypotheses
on this page illustrate three different and con-
4 5 tradictory evolutionist scenarios (Stephen Jay
1.8 My ago 6 ? 7 Paranthropus boisei Gould, The Book of Life, 2001). Looking care-
Homo habilis (small) 2 Homo habilis (large) Paranthropus robustus 3 in front of Homo erectus, which is shown as
fully, we can see that there is a question mark
the first human race on Earth. The reason for
evolutionists can show as being the "ancestor
1 Australopithecus africanus Paranthropus aethiopicus this is that there is no "ape-like" creature that
Australopithecus afarensis lack anything linking them to man, are actually
of man." Species in the illustrations, which
extinct species of ape. The origin of man, as
we can see, is a mystery for evolutionists, be-
Pliocene cause that origin is not evolution at all, but
5 My ago