Page 13 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 13

hrough out his to ry, Allah sent mes sen gers
                               to all peo ples, show ing them how to live a
               good life in this world and the next. We are told in the Qur'an

               that this is a won der ful grace and mer cy for all be liev ers:
                    Allah showed great kind ness to the be liev ers when He sent
                    a mes sen ger to them from among them selves to re cite His
                    signs to them, pu ri fy them, and teach them the Book and
                    Wisdom, even though be fore that they were clear ly mis -
                    guid ed. (Surah Al 'Imran: 164)
                     We have on ly sent you as a mer cy to all the worlds.
                      (Surat al-Anbiya': 107)
                            These mes sen gers were a grace to their
                        com mu ni ties, for they showed their peo ple
                          the right path, helped them leave the
                          dark ness of un be lief and en ter in to the

                          light of be lief, and pro claimed the com -
                           mands of our Lord, Who cre at ed the
                            uni verse from noth ing. They told
                              peo ple that they could have con -
                               tent ment, peace, and se cu ri ty
                                 on ly by liv ing a good re -
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