Page 16 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 16
The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)
sen gers in ev ery ad ver si ty and anx i e ty and from ev ery trap. He
in creased His bless ings up on them, pro vid ed an es cape from
ev ery dif fi cul ty, in creased their cour age and strength, light -
ened their bur dens, and strength ened their re solve by re -
mind ing them of His mer cy.
Our Lord sup port ed some of His mes sen gers by
al low ing them to per form mir a cles. These great
bless ings from Allah had a strong ef fect on peo -
ple, strength ened the be liev ers' re -
solve and faith, and caused
many un be liev ers to em -
brace Islam.