Page 14 - The Miracles of Our Prophet (saas)
P. 14
The Miracles of our Prophet (saas)
li gious life. However, Allah al so re veals that "...most peo ple
have no faith" (Surat al-Ra'd: 1). Thus, few peo ple em braced
faith and ap pre ci at ed what a great mer cy these mes sen gers
were for them.
As re vealed in the Qur'an, they sin cere ly de sired that peo -
ple should come to faith: "But most peo ple, for all your ea ger -
ness, are not be liev ers" (Surah Yusuf: 103). They called their
peo ple to truth so that they could re ceive bless ings in both
worlds and live good and hap py lives. They asked no re ward
for this. Due to their sin cere fear of and re spect for Allah and
their su pe ri or mor al char ac ter, the mes sen gers ded i cat ed their
hon or a ble lives to this goal. All of the en su ing dif fi cul ties and
trials on ly in creased their faith and ded i ca tion. With Allah's
help and sup port, they be came ex am ples of cour age; with His
per mis sion, they al ways pre vailed. Our Lord says:
Allah has writ ten: "I will be vic to ri ous, I and My mes sen -
gers." Allah is Most Strong, Almighty. (Surat al-Mujadalah:
In re turn for their de vo tion, faith ful ness, pa tience, sin cer i -
ty, and trust in Him, Allah im part ed a sense of se cu ri ty and
con tent ment to their hearts, gave them ma te ri al and spir it u al
strength, and de stroyed the un be liv ers' traps:
We will cer tain ly help Our mes sen gers and those who be -
lieve both in the life of this world and on the Day the wit -
ness es ap pear. (Surah Ghafir: 51)
O Messenger, trans mit what has been sent down to you
from your Lord. If you do not, you will not have trans mit -
ted His mes sage. Allah will pro tect you from peo ple. Allah
does not guide the un be liev ers. (Surat al-Ma'idah: 67)
Allah tells us that He de fend ed our Prophet (saas)