Page 34 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 34
To better understand the importance of this magnificent
structure, it will be useful to consider the possible effects of
any problem arising in it. If the shape or flexibility of the red
blood cell is impaired, this means that nutrients and oxygen
will be unable to reach the tissues—and those tissues that
which the red blood cells cannot reach are condemned to die.
In order to grasp the importance of the cell's flat shape,
consider the case of sickle cell anemia, a very serious disease
that occurs due to an inherited defect in the shape of the red
blood cells.
The cells contain an abnormal type of hemoglobin known
as hemoglobin S. When exposed to low oxygen, this hemoglo-
bin breaks down into elongated crystals, causing the red blood
cell to assume a sickle-like shape. This altered shape causes
the cell to transport insufficient oxygen. In addition, cells with
these altered shapes cause congestion by accumulating in the
veins. The spiked ends of the crystals that cause the sickle-like
shape sometimes rupture the cell membrane. 19
The symptoms of the disease are very serious. Severe pains
and attacks occur in the bones, muscles or stomach, lasting for
days or weeks. When the red blood cells cannot pass through
the narrow retinal veins, vision defects or even blindness can
occur. Functional defects in the liver may give rise to jaundice.
Growth in childhood is retarded. The body becomes prone to
infections. Most important of all, damage may occur to certain
regions of the brain because of congestion in the small blood
vessels, which can sometimes even lead to paralysis.
Within just a few hours, this disease can reach dan-
gerous levels. People who develop sickle cell anemia
at very young ages must receive special treatment
Harun throughout their lives if the disorder is not to prove