Page 30 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 30
reduced even to the genetic level and that the genes of every
living thing fight to ensure their existence. In fact, however,
the erythrocyte, a living cell, behaves in a manner that is the
exact antithesis of that hypothesis: It sacrifices itself by aban-
doning its nucleus and its genes. That is because it did not
come into being by chance during any "struggle for survival"
as Darwinists would have us believe, but was created with a
specific function.
This function is never corrupted for as long as we live.
God, Who has created everything totally flawlessly, has also
created this special cell, which constitutes one of the countless
proofs of His creation. In the Qur'an, it is revealed that God is
the Lord of all:
I have put my trust in God, my Lord and your Lord. There
is no creature He does not hold by the forelock. My Lord is
on a Straight Path. (Surah Hud: 56)
Red Blood Cells' Flattened Shape
The transportation of oxygen, as carried out by the red
blood cells, is no ordinary process. No other type of cell is
capable of carrying oxygen. With their unique shape, red
blood cells have been specially created for this purpose. Being
flat, round and depressed in the center, red blood cells are true
marvels of engineering.
Many factors permit red blood cells to carry oxygen, but
all of them are essential. One of them is their flattened shape.
This shape increases the cell's surface area and facilitates
contact with oxygen molecules, as well as making it
easy for the cell to deposit oxygen at the right time