Page 26 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 26

                                      BLOOD AND HEART

                   stem cell is attached to a protein and sent on its way. The tar-
                   get cell extends a protein receptor that will let the incoming
                   signal be recognized. When this receptor binds to the protein
                   carrying the chemical message, the information reaches the
                   target cell.
                       This process, briefly described here in just a few sentences,
                   is actually far more complex. Today's scientists are still trying
                   to unravel the secrets of this communication system. The
                   "decision" by which stem cells send the daughter cells they
                   have produced to the place in the body that requires them is
                   one of the most important fields of present-day research. The
                   fact that this system in the body is of a complexity whose
                   secret human beings have been unable to unravel is just one
                   clear indication that it was created by Almighty God, Who
                   possesses infinite wisdom.
                       How is it possible to produce the right amount of red
                   blood cells in the body every second and then direct them con-
                   fidently to the points where these new cells are needed? It is
                   impossible for a lone independent cell in the bone marrow to
                   know what is happening at the other parts of the body. The
                   signaling system employed by those cells is also the most per-
                   fect communication network possible. This perfect structure is
                   of course the work of God, Who knows all the processes tak-
                   ing place in the body, right down to the finest detail, and Who
                   creates and constructs them in the first place.
                       Red blood cells are exceedingly small, because before
                   entering the bloodstream, they expel most of their contents—
                        their nucleus, mitochondria, ribosome and other
                           organelles. They do this in a literally conscious man-
                             ner, because they "know" they must absorb a mirac-

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