Page 28 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 28

                                      BLOOD AND HEART

                   contained in this protective layer, hemoglobin is also protect-
                   ed against degeneration. 15
                       Red blood cells have to open up a rather wide space inside
                   themselves to make room for the nearly 300 million hemoglo-
                   bin molecules that get packed into any single red blood cell. 16
                   These 300 million hemoglobin molecules will take up 90% of
                   the space in a single erythrocyte.
                       Red blood cells are the only cells in the blood which have
                   lost their nuclei. The organelles which they expel are immedi-
                   ately destroyed by the white blood cells, the body's disposal
                   operatives. What is surprising is that despite being deprived
                   of the nucleus, which carries all their data, red blood cells still
                   preserve the enzymes and proteins necessary for them to sur-
                   vive without difficulty during their 120-day lifespan. Thanks
                   to these special precautions taken for them throughout those
                   four months, they are able to remain alive. However, they are

                   now merely transporters that are unable to divide and hence,
                   unable to reproduce themselves as ordinary cells do.
                       As this one example will show, there is an enormous com-
                   plexity in the systems in the human body. Before you finish

               Starting its life in the bone marrow, the young erythrocyte releases its nucleus
               and absorbs the hemoglobin that it will be responsible for carrying (a). This ery-
               throcyte later
               assumes a disc-
               like form for
               traveling through
               the blood vessels,
                 as shown in
                 the picture

                                                   a)                        b)

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