Page 36 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 36

                                      BLOOD AND HEART

                       Evolutionists' Erroneous Theory About
                       Sickle Cell Anemia
                       The theory of evolution ascribes the origin of living things
                   to two natural mechanisms: Natural selection and mutation.
                   Evolutionists expect that mutations will, bit by bit, create new
                   biological structures. According to the theory, at least a por-
                   tion of these random mutations must be beneficial, must add
                   new genetic information to existing organisms, and must lead
                   to the development of new organs and biochemical structures
                   that did not exist before. These beneficial structures will then be
                   favored by natural selection, and evolution will thus take
                       This scenario is utterly imaginary. The most serious prob-
                   lem the theory faces with is the fact that in the real world there
                   are no beneficial mutations. Ever since the development of the
                   science of genetics, Darwinist biologists have long sought
                   some example of a mutation that would verify their claims.
                   However, after lengthy studies and experiments, they have
                   determined that every example of mutation—far from
                   improving on living organisms—has actually damaged them,
                   sometimes fatally, or, at the very best having little or no impact
                   at all. Yet Darwinists do not give up, even in the face of all
                   these failed experiments. They blindly continue to believe that
                   mutations can be beneficial and can bring new, advantageous
                   features to organisms.
                       To keep their beliefs alive, the evolutionists do not hesitate
                    to claim that sickle cell anemia—a very serious and even fatal
                         disease—is an example of a so-called beneficial mutation.
                            The factor in this disease that deforms the hemoglo-
                             bin was originally a mutation, which damages

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