Page 47 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 47
Blood: The Incomparable
Liquid of Life
time when hemoglobin first came into being. The biological
details that permit hemoglobin to trap oxygen clearly reveal
that no such mechanism could ever have come into being by
The hemoglobin molecule contains a protein consisting of
four chains known as globins. Each globin is bound to another
molecule known as a heme group, which is exceedingly impor-
tant in binding the oxygen to hemoglobin. Each heme group
carries one ion of iron. This means that the four heme groups
carry four iron ions. The iron ions bind to the oxygen in the
lungs and then release it in the tissues.
Globin, however, also plays an important role in this
process. As you shall soon see, globin's shape is an important
control mechanism—and another matchless marvel of cre-
ation. In addition, the smallest change in this molecule's
amino acid sequence entirely alters hemoglobin's ability to
transport oxygen.
At the outset, while describing the features of the blood,
you were reminded that every detail contains many other very
different and complex sub-details. And the more one delves
into the small components of the system, the more this com-
plexity and variety increase. The way that God has created
such details and complexity, while making all their existence
essential to the functioning of the system, has left those
unwilling to admit to the truth of creation with no alternative
explanations to offer. Examples like this strengthen believers'
faith in God. Since all these technical details reveal this com-
plexity in great detail, they leave deniers in a state of
doubt, whereas believers can rejoice in their trust and