Page 50 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 50

                                      BLOOD AND HEART

                   globin binds four separate oxygen molecules is clearly the cre-
                   ation of God to meet the body's oxygen requirements.
                       If you keep in mind that each red blood cell carries up to
                   270 hemoglobin molecules, the scale how each cell distributes
                   oxygen in the body can be better understood. It is essential
                   that this distribution system should have the perfect, special
                   organization just described. It is as if the molecules in question
                   were able to calculate the potential oxidation danger that oxy-
                   gen molecules bring with them and behave in the awareness
                   that therefore, they must move as far away from one another
                   as they can.
                       More importantly, the same precaution has been taken in
                   the trillions of molecules in every human body. That is
                   because these are examples of God's creation, and are kept
                   under His control at every moment. Each one is a manifesta-
                   tion of God's name of Al-Qadee (the Ruler; He Who completes
                   His task). Like every other example of creation on Earth, they
                   introduce us to the existence, infinite might and omniscience
                   of God. Our Lord's superior knowledge is revealed in these
                   terms in the Qur'an:
                       That is the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible, the
                       Almighty, the Most Merciful. He Who has created all things
                       in the best possible way. He commenced the creation of
                       man from clay. (Surat as-Sajda: 6-7)
                       Throughout this transportation, an exceedingly loose
                   bond is developed between the hemoglobin and oxygen mol-
                   ecules, which bond is easily reversible at any time. That this
                        loose bond is another marvel of creation becomes clear at
                           the next stage, because in order for oxygen to be able
                             to be deposited at the requisite tissues, it needs to be

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