Page 45 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 45
Blood: The Incomparable
Liquid of Life
He is the Living—there is no god but Him—so call on Him,
making your religion sincerely His. Praise be to God, the
Lord of all the worlds. (Surah Ghafir: 65)
The Miracle Molecule that Carries Oxygen
Scientists' description of hemoglobin as an "extraordinary
molecule" is based on the fact that it's able to perform differ-
ent jobs at the same time. Hemoglobin selects oxygen from the
millions of molecules passing through the capillary vessels in
the lungs. This procedure is as stunning as it is intelligent.
Hemoglobin literally catches oxygen atoms with its own
unique process—which, however, must be carried out in a
very sensitive manner, because the oxygen to which it binds
possesses the property of oxidation, a destructive and toxic
process that causes the molecule to lose its functions.
To protect against that danger, God has created hemoglo-
bin with a magnificent property: As it transports oxygen,
hemoglobin does not fully bind to it, but grabs the molecule
from one end, just as if it were using a pair of tongs, and car-
ries it to its destination in that manner. This method, doubt-
less, is very well-advised. Almighty God has created it togeth-
er with this important precaution against the threat of oxida-
Anyone who considers this with an open mind will clear-
ly perceive the signs of creation here. There is no possibility
that hemoglobin itself could have discovered the threat posed
by oxygen and developed a countermeasure, all by using
trial and error. Above all, we are talking about a mere
molecule. This important security precaution, with
all its complexity, was created at exactly the same