Page 54 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 54
globin molecule, which enjoys such a sensitive chemical har-
mony with oxygen in the body, came into existence—and also
how living things with circulatory systems managed to
breathe before that genetic information enabled oxygen to be
carried to their tissues.
Above all, the presence of hemoglobin is essential to the
proper function of blood, and it cannot be expected to form
and reach perfection gradually in any oxygen-breathing organ-
ism by means of random mutations. If hemoglobin had not
possessed a very special structure with which to combine
loosely with oxygen and thus transport it to the tissues, then
to collect waste products in the tissues and deposit them back
in the lungs, then blood circulation would have been useless.
This shows us that in addition to such exceedingly complex
tissues as the heart, venous network and blood, the circulation
of the blood must have emerged together with special mole-
cules such as hemoglobin right from the outset. To state that
another way, the origin of the circulation of the blood obvi-
ously is not the end result of evolution, but of creation.
To every question of how and why in the living world, the
answer will be a clear exposition of the fact of creation.
Therefore, Darwinists can never explain how the complex
structure of life emerged. Every work that appears before
them is a creation of God, Who has the power to do whatever
He wishes. This fact is revealed in the Qur'an:
... I swear by the Lord of the Easts and Wests that We have
the power. (Surat al-Ma'arij: 40)