Page 87 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 87

Selfless Devotion of Creatures Within the Family

             of the sun. For this reason, it stands above its eggs and later, its hatch-
             lings, spreading its wings to provide shade for them. Meanwhile, it
             exposes itself to the sun, proving its dedication.

                 How the Wolf Spider Carries its Young

                 The female of this species lays her eggs into a concave silk co-
             coon which she has spun for just this purpose. She sticks this cocoon
             to her lower abdomen and takes it wherever she goes. If it falls loose,
             she will stick it back onto her abdomen.
                 Once the young spiders emerge from the eggs, they will stay for
             some more time in her cocoon and, when the time is right, climb onto
             her back. The female carries her young around with her. In some
             species, the young are so numerous that they pile up high on her

               This female spider carries her eggs and offspring in a silken cocoon, which is
              proportionately too large for the her body. To be able to carry it, she is forced to
             walk on straightened legs. When the eggs are about to hatch, the female weaves
                  another cocoon to protect her offspring. Emerging from the old cocoon, the
                          young move into the new one, where their mother protects them.

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