Page 92 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 92

All Baby Animals Are Created
                          with a Cuteness that Inspires Compassion

                  Compared with their adult     whereas the adult's is olive. The
              counterparts, the young of most   baboon community perceives
              species are more lovable in their  these young animals as more ap-
              appearance and behavior. They     pealing than their other, older
              display more rounded features,    counterparts. Some females have
              outsized baby-eyes, full cheeks   even been observed trying to kid-
              and pronounced forehead—all       nap appealing youngsters from
              responsible for this perception.  their mothers. This behavior dis-
              In some species, the young are    appears when the young ba-
              even of a different color than the  boons' fur turns from its original
              adults. For instance, the fur of a  black and pink to the same color
              baby baboon is black and pink,    as the adults'.

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