Page 88 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 88


              back. As far as we know, the young do not feed during all this time.
                  A different species of wolf spider removes the cocoon from her
              body in June or July, when the eggs are about to hatch. She then spins
              a tent over it and guards it. After hatching, the young remain in this
              tent, shedding their skin twice until they are fully developed. Then
              they disperse. 77
                  How can an invertebrate like a spider show loyalty, interest,
              compassion and patience? This question provides food for thought.

                  Insects Caring for their Eggs
                  Water bugs face a real dilemma. If they deposit their eggs above
              water, they will dry up; if they lay them in the water, their grubs will
              drown when they emerge from the eggs. The male bugs shoulder the
              responsibility of keeping the eggs laid above water, moist and venti-
                  The female giant water bug, Lethocerus, lays her eggs on a branch
              afloat on the water. The male bug dives into the water frequently and
              then climbs up on the branch where he lets water drip on the eggs
              and also keeps predatory insects away.

               This bug from Australia protects its eggs carefully, hanging them on the
               branch of a tree and never leaving them unattended.

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