Page 41 - Perished Nations
P. 41

The Flood in Greek Mythology: The god Zeus decided to destroy pe-
          ople, who have become more wrongdoing every day, with a flood. Only
          Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha were saved from the flood, because Deuca-
          lion's father Prometheus had formerly advised his son to make a boat. The
          couple set foot on Mount Parnassos on the ninth day after embarking on
          the boat.
             All these legends indicate a concrete historical reality. In history, each
          community received the message, everybody received Divine revelation,
          and thus many communities learned about the Flood. Unfortunately, as pe-
          ople turned away from the essence of the Divine revelation, the account
          of the Flood underwent many changes, and turned into legends and myths.
             The only source where we can find the real story of Nuh (as) and the
          people who denied him, is the Qur’an, which is the single unaltered sour-
          ce of Divine revelation remaining.
             The Qur’an provides us with correct information not only on Nuh’s
          Flood, but also about other historical events and peoples. In the following
          chapters, we will review these events.

                                                            Perished Nations
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