Page 42 - Perished Nations
P. 42

Ibrahim was not a Jew nor yet a Christian;
                but he was true in Faith,
                and bowed his will to Allah's (Which is Islam),
                and he joined not gods with Allah.
                Without doubt, among men, the nearest of kin to Ibrahim, are
                those who follow him, as are also this Prophet and those who believe: And
                Allah is the Protector of those who have faith.
                (Surah Al-Imran: 67-68)

                       he Prophet Ibrahim (as) is often referred to in the Qur’an and is
                       distinguished by Allah as an example to people. He conveyed the
                T message of Allah to his people who worshipped idols and he
                warned them so that they might fear Allah. His people did not listen to his
                warnings but, on the contrary, opposed him. When the oppression of his
                people increased, Ibrahim (as) had to move elsewhere with his wife, the
                Prophet Lut (as), who was his nephew, and possibly a few other people
                who went with them.
                  Ibrahim (as) was descended from Nuh (as). The Qur’an states also that
                he followed the Way of Nuh (as).
                  Peace and salutation to Nuh among the nations! Thus indeed do we reward
                  those who do right. For he was one of our believing Servants. Then the rest
                  we overwhelmed in the Flood.  Verily among those who followed his Way
                  was Ibrahim. (Surat as-Saffat: 79-83)
                  At the time of the Prophet Ibrahim (as), many people living on the
                Mesopotamian plains, and in Middle and East Anatolia were worshipping
                the heavens and the stars. Their most important god was "Sin", the moon-
                god. It was personified as a human with a long beard, wearing a dress car-

                    Harun Yahya
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