Page 47 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 47

                               HARUN YAHYA (ADNAN OKTAR)
                 2) QATALA: TO KILL

                 The word generally used for "to kill" when speaking of
             death in the Qur'an is the Arabic word qatala. For example in
             Surah Ghafir:
                 Pharaoh said, "Let me kill Moses and let him call upon
                 his Lord! I am afraid that he may change your religion
                 and bring about corruption in the land." (Surah Ghafir:
                 The expression "let me kill Moses" in the verse appears in
             the Arabic form aqtulu Moses. That word comes from the verb
             qatala. In another verse, the same word is used in this way:

                 ... (That was because they) killed (yaqtuloona) the
                 Prophets without any right to do so. (Surat al-Baqara:
                 The words "they killed" in the verse appear as yaqtuloona in
             the original Arabic, which again derives from the verb qatala.
             And as the translation makes quite clear, it means "to kill".
                 It is clear how the verb qatala is used in the following verses
             that describe the death of prophets. All the words whose mean-
             ing appears in brackets derive from the verb qatala.
                 ... We will write down what they said and their killing
                 (wa qatlahum) of the Prophets without any right to do
                 so... (Surah Al 'Imran: 181)

                 ... Did you grow arrogant, and deny some of them and
                 murder (taqtuloona) others? (Surat al-Baqara: 87)
                 ... Say, "Why then, if you are muminun, did you previ-
                 ously kill (taqtuloona) the Prophets of Allah?" (Surat
                 al-Baqara: 91)

                 As for those who reject Allah's Signs, and kill (yaqtu-
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