Page 51 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 51
wine, the other of you will be crucified (yuslabu)...
(Surah Yusuf: 41)
... they should be killed or crucified (yusallaboo)...
(Surat al-Ma'ida: 33)
(Pharaoh said,) "I will cut off your alternate hands and
feet and then I will crucify (la usallibannakum) every
one of you." (Surat al-A'raf: 124)
... (Pharaoh said,) "I will cut off your hands and feet
alternately and have you crucified (wa la usalliban-
nakum) ..." (Surah Ta Ha: 71)
... (Pharaoh said,) "I will cut off your alternate hands
and feet and I will crucify (wa la usallibannakum)
every one of you." (Surat ash-Shu'ara': 49)
As can be seen from these extensive examples, very differ-
ent words are used in verses dealing with the death of other
prophets. Allah has revealed in the Qur'an that the Prophet Jesus
(as) was not killed, that someone who resembled him was shown
in his place, and that he was taken back (in other words that his
soul was taken). While the word tawaffa meaning "to take the
soul" is used in the context of the Prophet Jesus (as), expressions
such as, qataloohu and mata, expressions of normal death, are
used to refer to other prophets. These facts demonstrate once
again that the situation of the Prophet Jesus (as) is an extraordi-
nary one.
Allah Raised The Prophet Jesus (as) to His
Presence in Body and Soul
The most undeniable proof that the Prophet Jesus (as) nei-
ther died nor was killed is the fact that Allah has revealed that