Page 53 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 53
certain that there is no room for any objections. Al-Kawthari
cited Surah Al 'Imran 55 and Surat an-Nisa' 157-158 as evidence
and said that this event is beyond doubt. He uses the word nass,
which means certainty or indisputability stemming from a
Qur'anic verse or a hadith. He went on to say:
That is because the basic meaning of the word (rafa'a in the verses) is
transportation from below to above. There is no element here that
could be used to interpret the verses metaphorically. Therefore, there
is no evidence for seeking to produce a meaning in the sense of ascen-
sion in honour and station. 12
As clearly seen from the verses and the Islamic scholars'
comments, the Prophet Jesus (as) was raised alive, with his body,
to Allah's Presence. This is a miracle of Allah, and a wonder that
will inspire great enthusiasm and excitement among all believ-
ers. Claims that only his soul was raised to His Presence, or that
his ascension was only spiritual (in station), do not reflect the
facts. The invalidity of such claims has been proven by many
Islamic scholars as shown above.
Another important proof of this event is the Arabic word
bal, which appears in Qur'an, 4:158, and has the literal translation
of "on the contrary". The features of its meaning and use in Ara-
bic linguistics indicate a very important fact: according to the
rules of Arabic linguistics, the sentence that comes after it must
have a meaning that is completely opposite to the preceding
statement. That being the case, it is likely that the verses refer-
ring to the Prophet Jesus (as) "… They did not kill him," ((Surat
an-Nisa': 157) "on the contrary [bal] Allah raised him up to
Himself…" ((Surat an-Nisa': 158) refer to the state of being alive,
rather than the state of being dead. Sheikh al-Islam Mustafa
Sabri offered the following interpretation: