Page 56 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 56
63.) Thus, Allah purified the Prophet Jesus (as) from the unbe-
lievers, the unbelievers' plot to kill him was foiled and they
failed to achieve their goal. (Allah knows the truth.)
Moreover, this verse also shows that the Prophet Jesus (as)
was purified by his physical separation from an environment
containing unbelievers. (Allah knows the truth.) Thus, the asser-
tion that the Prophet Jesus (as) died and that only his soul was
raised to Allah is proven false. A spirit-only ascent would mean
that he was not purified.
In order for the Prophet Jesus (as) to have been purified in
the manner revealed in the verse, he would have to have depart-
ed from his surrounding environment in both body and soul.
Furthermore, a spirit-only purification cannot apply to a prophet
with superior moral values, one who is honoured in Allah's Pres-
ence and has deep faith, such as the Prophet Jesus (as). Another
verse reveals his superior moral values: "Peace be upon me the
day I was born, the day I die, and the day I am raised up again
alive" (Surah Maryam, 33). As a devout believer and a messen-
ger of Allah, the Prophet Jesus' (as) soul is immaculate. Howev-
er, his environment was not immaculate, due to the unbelievers'
irreligious behaviour and corrupt morality. Indeed, our Lord
reveals that they were unclean because of their moral corruption:
O you who believe! The idolaters are unclean, so after
this year they should not come near the Sacred Mosque
[Masjid al-Haram] ... (Surat at-Tawba, 28)
Therefore, purifying the Prophet Jesus (as) means his physi-
cal removal from their presence. Thus, Allah purified and pro-
tected him by raising the Prophet Jesus (as) to Himself. (Allah
knows the truth.)
The Egyptian scholar Khalil Herras offers the following