Page 57 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 57
explanation regarding the wisdom of the term "purification":
The purification of the Prophet Jesus (as) from the unbelievers comes
about with his salvation from their wicked snares. This cannot take
place with the death and burial of the Prophet Jesus (as), but only by
his ascension in life to the heavens, for his foes could have inflicted
torture on his body, as they did with the person they believed to be
him … (Muhammed Khalil Herras, Fasl al-Maqal fi Raf`i `Isa
Hayyan wa Nuzulihi wa Qatlihi ad-Dajjal, p. 66)
As Hamdi Yazar of Elmali set out in his commentary, the
Prophet Jesus' (as) purification from the unbelievers is manifest-
ed by his ascent:
… and with this raising I shall purify you of the deniers and unbe-
lievers, and you will no longer have anything to do with them…
(Hamdi Yazir of Elmali, Hak Din Kuran Dili [The True Religion, the
Language of the Qur'an], 2:1112-13)