Page 252 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 252


                  The mutations needed for macroevolution have never been observed. No
                  random mutations that could represent the mutations required by Neo-
                  Darwinian Theory that have been examined on the molecular level have
                  added any information. The question I address is: Are the mutations that
                  have been observed the kind the theory needs for support? The answer turns
                  out to be NO! 304

                  The Myth of Vestigial Organs
                  For a long time, the concept of "vestigial organs" appeared frequently
             in evolutionist literature as "evidence" of evolution. Eventually, it was
             silently put to rest when this was proved to be invalid. But some
             evolutionists still believe in it, and from time to time someone will try to
             advance "vestigial organs" as important evidence of evolution.
                  The notion of "vestigial organs" was first put forward a century ago.
             As evolutionists would have it, there existed in the bodies of some
             creatures a number of non-functional organs. These had been inherited
             from progenitors and had gradually become vestigial from lack of use.
                  The whole assumption is quite unscientific, and is based entirely on
             insufficient knowledge. These "non-functional organs" were in fact organs
             whose "functions had not yet been discovered." The best indication of this
             was the gradual yet substantial decrease in evolutionists' long list of
             vestigial organs. S. R. Scadding, an evolutionist himself, concurred with
             this fact in his article "Can vestigial organs constitute evidence for
             evolution?" published in the journal Evolutionary Theory:
                  Since it is not possible to unambiguously identify useless structures, and
                  since the structure of the argument used is not scientifically valid, I conclude
                  that 'vestigial organs' provide no special evidence for the theory of
                  evolution. 305
                  The list of vestigial organs that was made by the German Anatomist
             R. Wiedersheim in 1895 included approximately 100 organs, including the
             appendix and coccyx. As science progressed, it was discovered that all of
             the organs in Wiedersheim's list in fact had very important functions. For
             instance, it was discovered that the appendix, which was supposed to be
             a "vestigial organ," was in fact a lymphoid organ that fought infections in
             the body. This fact was made clear in 1997:

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