Page 247 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 247

Comparisons that have been made of
                              proteins, rRNA and genes reveal that
                              creatures which are allegedly close
                              relatives according to the theory of
                              evolution are actually totally distinct from
                              each other. Various studies grouped
                              rabbits with primates instead of rodents,
                              and cows with whales instead of horses.

                  As life is investigated on a molecular basis, the homology hypotheses
             of the evolutionary theory collapse one by one. Molecular biologist
             Jonathan Wells sums up the situation in 2000 in this way:
                  Inconsistencies among trees based on different molecules, and the bizarre
                  trees that result from some molecular analyses, have now plunged molecular
                  phylogeny into a crisis. 298

                  But in that case what kind of scientific explanation can be given for
             similar structures in living things? The answer to that question was given
             before Darwin's theory of evolution came to dominate the world of
             science. Men of science such as Carl Linnaeus and Richard Owen, who
             first raised the question of similar organs in living creatures, saw these
             organs as examples of "common creation." In other words, similar organs
             or similar genes resemble each other not because they have evolved by
             chance from a common ancestor, but because they have been created to
             perform a particular function.
                  Modern scientific discoveries show that the claim that similarities in
             living things are due to descent from a "common ancestor" is not valid, and
             that the only rational explanation for such similarities is "common creation."

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