Page 242 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 242


             theoreticians of evolution,
             once stated that this irregular
             relationship between living
             things and their DNA is a
             great problem that evolution
             cannot explain:

                  More complex organisms
                  generally have more DNA
                  per cell than do simpler
                  ones, but this rule has
                  conspicuous exceptions.
                                                Comparisons of chromosome numbers and
                  Man is nowhere near the top
                                                    DNA structures show that there is no
                  of the list, being exceeded          evolutionary relationship between
                  by    Amphiuma       (an                     different living species.
                  amphibian), Protopterus (a
                  lungfish), and even ordinary
                  frogs and toads. Why this should be so has long been a puzzle. 286
                  Other comparisons on the molecular level produce other examples of
             inconsistency which render evolutionist views meaningless. When the
             protein strands of various living things are analysed in a laboratory,
             results emerge which are totally unexpected from the evolutionists' point
             of view, and some of which are utterly astounding. For example, the
             cytochrome-C protein in man differs by 14 amino acids from that in a
             horse, but by only eight from that in a kangaroo. When the same strand is
             examined, turtles appear closer to man than to a reptile such as the
             rattlesnake. When this situation is viewed from the evolutionist point of
             view, a meaningless result will emerge, such as that turtles are more
             closely related to man than they are to snakes.
                  For instance, chickens and sea snakes differ by 17 amino acids in 100
             codons and horses and sharks by 16, which is a greater difference than that
             between dogs and worm flies, which belong to different phyla even, and
             which differ by only 15 amino acids.
                  Similar facts have been discovered with respect to hemoglobin. The
             hemoglobin protein found in human beings differs from that found in
             lemurs by 20 amino acids, but from that in pigs by only 14. The situation
             is more or less the same for other proteins. 287

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