Page 244 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 244


                                                                On the molecular
                                                              level no organism is
                                                                the "ancestor" of
                                                                another, or more
                                                                   "primitive" or
                                                                 "advanced" than

                  identical. The molecules derived from rats, guinea-pigs, man and pigs are as
                  distant from each other (approximately 55%) as all are from the
                  elasmobranch's relaxin. ...Insulin, however, brings man and pig
                  phylogenetically closer together than chimpanzee and man. 291
                  Schwabe was faced by the same realities when he compared the
             arrangements of other proteins besides insulin and relaxin. Schwabe has
             this to say about these other proteins that constitute exceptions to the
             orderly molecular development proposed by evolutionists:
                  The relaxin and insulin families do not stand alone as exceptions to the
                  orderly interpretation of molecular evolution in conventional monophyletic
                  terms. It is instructive to look at additional examples of purportedly
                  anomalous protein evolution and note that the explanations permissible
                  under the molecular clock theories cover a range of ad hoc explanations
                  apparently limited only by imagination. 292
                  Schwabe reveals that the comparison of the arrangement of
             lysosomes, cytochromes, and many hormones and amino acids show
             "unexpected results and anomalies" from the evolutionary point of view.
             Based on all this evidence, Schwabe maintains that all proteins had their
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