Page 264 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 264


               The evolutionist hypothesis that prokaryotic cells (left) turned into eukaryotic
               cells over time has no scientific basis to it.

             (cyanobacteria, for instance), there is no chloroplast containing chlorophyll
             and photosynthetic pigments. Rather, these molecules are buried in
             various membranes all over the cell.
                 8- The biochemistry of messenger RNA formation in prokaryotic
             (bacterial) cells and in eukaryotic (including plant and animal) cells are
             quite different from one another.  321
                 Messenger RNA plays a vital role for the cell to live. But although
             messenger RNA assumes the same vital role in both prokaryotic cells and
             in eukaryotic cells, their biochemical structures are different. J. Darnell
             wrote the following in an article published in Science:
                 The differences in the biochemistry of messenger RNA formation in
                 eukaryotes compared to prokaryotes are so profound as to suggest that
                 sequential prokaryotic to eukaryotic cell evolution seems unlikely.  322
                 The structural differences between bacterial and plant cells, of which
             we have seen a few examples above, lead evolutionist scientists to another
             dead-end. Although plant and bacterial cells have some aspects in
             common, most of their structures are quite different from one another. In
             fact, since there are no membrane-surrounded organelles or a cytoskeleton
             (the internal network of protein filaments and microtubules) in bacterial
             cells, the presence of several very complex organelles and cell organization
             in plant cells totally invalidates the claim that the plant cell evolved from
             the bacterial cell.
                 Biologist Ali Demirsoy openly admits this, saying, "Complex cells
             never developed from primitive cells by a process of evolution."  323

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