Page 273 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 273

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

             same time, they can absorb the sunlight by means of photosynthesis and
             make their own carbohydrates (sugar and starch) by carbon dioxide, which
             dissolves in the water. For this reason, there is nothing the algae lack in the
             ocean, and therefore no reason for them to move to the land, where there is
             no "selective advantage" for them, as the evolutionists put it.
                  All of this shows that the evolutionist hypothesis that algae emerged
             onto the land and formed land plants is completely unscientific.

                  The Origin of Angiosperms

                  When we examine the fossil history and structural features of plants
             that live on land, another picture emerges which fails to agree with
             evolutionist predictions. There is no fossil series to confirm even one
             branch of the "evolutionary tree" of plants that you will see in almost any
             biological textbook. Most plants possess abundant remains in the fossil
             record, but none of these fossils is an intermediate form between one
             species and another. They are all specially and originally created as
             completely distinct species, and there are no evolutionary links between
             them. As the evolutionary paleontologist E. C. Olson accepted, "Many new
             groups of plants and animals suddenly appear, apparently without any
             close ancestors." 336
                  The botanist Chester A. Arnold, who studies fossil plants at the
             University of Michigan, makes the following comment:
                  It has long been hoped that extinct plants will ultimately reveal some of the
                  stages through which existing groups have passed during the course of their
                  development, but it must be freely admitted that this aspiration has been
                  fulfilled to a very slight extent, even though paleobotanical research has been
                  in progress for more than one hundred years.  337
                  Arnold accepts that paleobotany (the science of plant fossils) has
             produced no results in support of evolution: "[W]e have not been able to
             track the phylogenetic history of a single group of modern plants from its
             beginning to the present."  338
                  The fossil discoveries which most clearly deny the claims of plant
             evolution are those of flowering plants, or "angiosperms," to give them
             their scientific name. These plants are divided into 43 separate families,
             each one of which emerges suddenly, leaving no trace of any primitive

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