Page 274 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 274


                                                     This fossil fern from the
                                                       Carboniferous was found in
                                                         the Jerada region of
                                                           Morocco. The
                                                            interesting thing is
                                                              that this fossil,
                                                               which is 320
                                                               million years old,
                                                                is identical to

             "transitional form" behind it in the fossil record. This was realised in the
             nineteenth century, and for this reason Darwin described the origin of
             angiosperms as "an abominable mystery." All the research carried out
             since Darwin's time has simply added to the amount of discomfort this
             mystery causes. In his book The Paleobiology of Angiosperm Origins, the
             evolutionary paleobotanist N. F. Hughes makes this admission:
                  … With few exceptions of detail, however, the failure to find a satisfactory
                  explanation has persisted, and many botanists have concluded that the
                  problem is not capable of solution, by use of fossil evidence.  339
                  In his book The Evolution of Flowering Plants, Daniel Axelrod says this
             about the origin of flowering plants,

                  The ancestral group that gave rise to angiosperms has not yet been identified
                  in the fossil record, and no living angiosperm points to such an ancestral
                  alliance.  340
                  All this leads us to just one conclusion: Like all living things, plants
             were also created. From the moment they first emerged, all their
             mechanisms have existed in a finished and complete form. Terms such as
             'development over time," "changes dependent on coincidences," and
             "adaptations which emerged as a result of need," which one finds in the
             evolutionist literature, have no truth in them at all and are scientifically

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