Page 270 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 270


             The origin of algae goes back to very remote times. So much so, that fossil
             algae remains from 3.1 to 3.4 million years old have been found. The
             interesting thing is that there is no structural difference between these
             extraordinarily ancient living things and specimens living in our own
             time. An article published in Science News says:

                  Both blue-green algae and bacteria fossils dating back 3.4 billion years have
                  been found in rocks from S. Africa. Even more intriguing, the
                  pleurocapsalean algae turned out to be almost identical to modern
                  pleurocapsalean algae at the family and possibly even at the generic level. 334
                                               The German biologist Hoimar von
                                          Ditfurth makes this comment on the
                                          complex structure of so-called "primitive"
                                          The oldest fossils so far discovered are objects
                                          fossilized in minerals which belong to blue
                                          green algae, more than 3 billion years old. No
                                          matter how primitive they are, they still
                                          represent rather complicated and expertly
                                          organized forms of life. 335
                                               Evolutionary biologists consider that
                                          the algae in question gave rise over time to
              Free-swimming algae in      other marine plants and moved to the land
              the ocean.
                                          some 450 million years ago. However, just
                                          like the scenario of animals moving from
             water onto the land, the idea that plants moved from water to the land is
             another fantasy. Both scenarios are invalid and inconsistent. Evolutionist
             sources usually try to gloss over the subject with such fantastical and
             unscientific comments as "algae in some way moved onto the land and
             adapted to it." But there are a large number of obstacles that make this
             transition quite impossible. Let us have a short look at the most important
             of them.
                  1- The danger of drying out: For a plant which lives in water to be
             able to live on land, its surface has first of all to be protected from water
             loss. Otherwise the plant will dry out. Land plants are provided with
             special systems to prevent this from happening. There are very important
             details in these systems. For example, this protection must happen in such

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