Page 101 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 101
Terrorism: The Rite Of The Antichrist
and websites is more than sufficient. The common feature of these pub-
lications is the way they devote considerable space to gloomy subjects
and insist on the importance of the black mass. In a well-known
Satanist website, which carries various Satanist messages for the
under-18s, these so-called masses are emphasized as being one of the
fundamental elements of Satanism, and that young people who cannot
attend group ceremonies should nevertheless hold such services on
their own. The details of the services these young people are instructed
to hold are then given:
Don't be disturbed or frightened or think you're crazy when you feel
contacted by the Dark Ones… Approach the Dark Masters with the
proper degree of respect and decorum—that's what rituals are for, to
establish a relationship… You don't need everything mentioned in
Dr. LaVey's books to do an effective ritual. Maybe you don't have the
money to obtain, or the private space to store, items such as swords,
chalices, black robes, gongs and elaborate altars. Here is a powerful
ritual you can perform… Light the candle and set it before you… As
you gaze at the flame, say in your mind or out loud, "I am ready, oh,
Dark Lord. I feel your strength within me and wish to honor you in
my life. I am one of the Devil's Own. Hail Satan!"… This is a simple
way of conjuring Satan into your life. 42
One can recognize such perversion, immorality and savagery in
any society that takes Satan as its guide. For Satanists, these things are
inspired by the Devil himself, and must be adhered to. Satanists, who
do adhere to them, fall into forms of sexual perversions, torture hu-
mans as well as animals, and even perform such disgusting things as
the drinking of the blood of the creatures or people they kill. In many
countries of the world, young people who describe themselves as
Satanists hold drug-parties at which all kinds of immorality and per-
version take place, and which frequently end in the killing of one of