Page 96 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 96
ogy in these terms:
…First of all, Humans are social animals... all people and animals
share a common source in mere biology. Satanism is the belief that
Humans are nothing more than higher animals—we have no special
place in creation other than being lucky to have evolved and sur-
vived… 35
Another Satanist publication, The Church of Satan, describes how
they believe that human beings are a kind of developed animal:
Since Satanism stands for acceptance of Man as an animal, there have
often been creators in many past cultures who embraced this insight
and explored it in the context of their society, thus we seek out these
artistic philosophical expressions and see them to be the roots of our
current awareness. 36
It is clear from the preceding that Satanism regards Darwin's the-
ory, that human beings evolved from animals, as the source of its own
ideological "awareness." The intro-
duction to an interview with Anton
LaVey, carried in the music journal
MF Magazine, describes the relation-
ship between Satanism and
In the late 1960s, Anton LaVey brought
forth an easily understandable doc-
trine of social Darwinism, and strong
positive thinking (magic) to the grow-
ing mass of individuals sick of both
hippieism and the stagnant morals of
Christianity. 37
Magister Peter H. Gilmore, a
The Secret Life of a Satanist is the bi- priest of the Church of Satan, de-
ography of Anton LaVey.