Page 94 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 94


                                 TERRORISM: THE RITUAL OF THE DEVIL

              ity, security, forgiveness or tolerance in any society in which people do
              not listen to the voice of their consciences, and are thus unable to dis-
              tinguish between good and bad, and to use their will and judgment to
              act for good. In an environment of that sort, anyone who feels anger to-
              wards somebody else will be unable to restrain that anger and behave
              with moderation, and will inevitably seek his revenge. Alternatively,
              instead of being patient in times of need and poverty, and attempting

              to address those needs in a sensible manner, these people will resort to
              theft and other sorts of crime. Satanism is their justification for doing
                   The kind of society proposed by the ideology of Satanism recog-
              nizes no rules and no bounds. Its aim is the free expression of selfish
                                         desires and evil. In his book The Satanic
                                         Bible,  Anton LaVey, regarded as the
                                         founder of modern Satanism, recommends
                                         to his followers that they live by and pro-

                                         mote wickedness as they so please. In an
                                                         interview, LaVey even
                                                         said: "I feel laws are, obvi-
                                                         ously, made to be broken
                                                         ... I see nothing wrong
                                                         with robbing somebody
                                                         on the street. 32

               Anton LaVey (right) and                       Satanism's refusal to
               the Satanic Bible (left).                 recognize any bounds
                                                         does not stop there, of
                                                         course. People would not
              only harm themselves and those around them, but would direct their
              hostility and anger at all. That refusal to recognize any limits, more-
              over, leads to the regard of violence as an intrinsic part of life.
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