Page 89 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 89
Terrorism: The Rite Of The Antichrist
explosives in front of the Federal Building and the rest is his-
tory. After the attack, McVeigh was helped by another neo-
Nazi, Terry Nichols. The most important fact to recognize
about those who supported Nichols and McVeigh before the
attack, who helped locate the explosives and knew what
McVeigh was up to, is that they were all neo-Nazis.
Shortly before his execution, McVeigh sent a letter to The
Buffalo News in which he said he was not sorry about the
bombing, which he saw as a "legit tactic," in his solitary war
against the federal government. That attack, the product of a
disturbed mind, is once again an appalling indication of
what terrible destruction the movements we are presently
discussing can wreak on people and society. 30