Page 90 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 90
As we should now be able to recognize from these nu-
merous examples, those who are caught up in the system of
the Antichrist believe it is entirely justified to discriminate
between people on the grounds of race, language and gen-
der, and to exercise brutality against them. What is more,
that discrimination between communities can turn into the
type of hysteria that leads to war and destruction. People
are attacked solely because of their language, religion or
race, and needlessly suffer all sorts of abuse. One of the rea-
sons for this, as is made clear in the Qur'an, is that the Devil
portrays "fanatical rage" as right and honorable. Most of the
groups who at the present are encouraging terrorism, or
who carry such acts, are caught up by this temptation, and
base their attacks on racist state-
ments. It is clear from the follow-
ing verse exactly to what extent
such racist provocation violates
the principles of Islam:
Those who disbelieve
filled their hearts with fa-