Page 98 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 98


                                 TERRORISM: THE RITUAL OF THE DEVIL

                   Socialist Germany is part of the appeal to Satanists—the drama, the
                   lighting, the choreography with which they moved millions of people. 39
                   Darwinism is the primary ground shared between these tenden-
              cies and Satanism. Social Darwinism, which lies at the heart of all these
              deviant ideologies, is defended by Satanists as follows:

                   The principle of the survival of the strong is advocated on all levels of
                   society, from allowing an individual to stand or fall, to even letting
                   those nations that cannot handle themselves take the consequences of
                   this inability… There would be a concomitant reduction in the
                   world's population as the weak are allowed to experience the conse-
                   quences of social Darwinism. Thus has nature always acted to cleanse
                                                    and strengthen her children…
                                                     We embrace reality and do not
                                                     try to transform it into some
                                                     utopia that is contrary to the
                                                      very fabric of existence. 40
                                                            Another expression of
                                                        the Satanists' attachment to
                                                         Social Darwinism is their
                                                         fierce support for the the-
                                                          ory of eugenics, itself the
                                                          product of fascism. The
                                                          theory of eugenics main-

                                                            tained that the sick and

                                                              One of the primary criteria
                                                              applied by the theory of eu-
                                                              genics was the measure-
                                                              ment of peoples' skulls.
                                                             According to such a totally
                                                             unscientific claim, those with
                                                            smaller skulls were backward
                                                          and doomed to elimination.
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