Page 81 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 81

                                Terrorism: The Rite Of The Antichrist


                                    K Klan Teachings
                 The following articles were taken from a speech by Matt Hale at a
            Klan rally on January 14, 2001:
                 ➤  Saying the races are equal is an insult to our race.
                 ➤  We despise and abhor integration, interracial marriage and the
            flooding of this country with non-White hoards.
                 ➤  Interracial marriage is a sin against our people.
                 ➤  The Civil Rights movement was wrong for us. It was wrong for
            our interests.
                 ➤  The white race is intellectually superior to all other races.
                 ➤  When we have our day, when we are in power in this world as

            we wish to be, as we will be, certainly we will subsidize the best of our
            race, the most intelligent of our race to have the most children.
                 ➤  The future is going to be one in which we have a land that is
            White and we will repatriate the other races.
                 ➤  They would be pushed on the boats by force—within the law!
            That's going to be the law.
                 ➤  Non-Whites are absolutely irrelevant. If they were lying in a pool
            of blood, it would be absolutely irrelevant. It simply means nothing to me.
            What I care about is my own racial family.

                 ➤   The brain makes the races different. The races have different
            shapes and sizes of brains.
                 ➤  On why most serial killers have been White … White people plan
            what they do. White people actually think. Most of the crimes that Blacks
            commit are impulsive. White people think about the crime they are going
            to commit. White people are involved in this type of crime because it takes
            a lot of planning. 23

                 These words strikingly reveal the thinking of a Klan member. This
            mentality is of such a kind that even the acts of a serial murder can be-
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