Page 79 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 79

                                Terrorism: The Rite Of The Antichrist

            not hesitate to admit the fact. The following extract from an interview
            with Matt Hale nicely sums up their view of religion:
                 Rather than a religion such as Christianity, which tells them to love
                 their enemies, love the meek and the inferior. We need a religion,
                 which exalts our own people and our own people alone… So we need
                 to recognize this and do away with the idea that all men are created
                 equal and idiotic notions of that kind… what we believe in doing is
                 ending all aid to all non-white races. We believe that without this aid
                 the non-white races would very quickly shrink their own numbers.
                 They could not feed themselves… We believe that a perfect world is
                 much more possible by having only white people, white racial com-
                 rades around the world. And we believe that once the non-white
                 races are gone, and the white race is united with a pro living, a pro-
                 life creed such as Creativity, there will be peace and prosperity for our
                 white people. 22
                 Yet those who maintain the superiority of one race, and believe

            that their characteristics make them superior to others, are ignoring
            one very important truth. None of these values are permanent. Every
            human being, be he a believer or an unbeliever, will sooner or later die,
            leaving behind everything that he possessed in this world, and render
            account for himself to our Lord. On that day, nobody will be able to
            help anyone else, nobody's race, color or ancestry will be of the slight-
            est importance, nothing he possessed in this world will be of the slight-
            est advantage to him, and nobody will be able to put forward any
            excuses to justify his actions. God describes this in a verse:

                 Then when the Trumpet is blown, no ties of kinship will exist be-
                 tween them on that day, nor may they question one another.
                 (Qur'an, 23: 101)
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