Page 77 - Terrorism: The Ritual of the Devil
P. 77
Terrorism: The Rite Of The Antichrist
and Advancement of the White Race. It [our religion] is based on
love--love for the White Race…. We, therefore, reject …angels and
devils and gods…. Our Golden Rule briefly can be summarized as
follows: That which is good for the White Race is the highest virtue;
that which is bad for the White Race is the ultimate sin… Nature tells
us to take care of our own kind and only our own kind. We do not re-
gard any of the mud races to be our own kind… The niggers, un-
doubtedly, are at the very bottom of the ladder, not far above
monkeys and chimpanzees… We have no intention of helping the
mud races prosper, multiply, and crowd us off the limited space of
this planet. 18
This perverse idea, as we have seen, is treated as a religion by its
followers, its members subscribing to it wholly. However, it is totally
unfounded, of course, to call this perversity a religion. We would be
more correct in calling it a brand of Social Darwinism, the fundamental
teaching of which is the future struggle against other races. That notion
is actually referred to by the slogan "Rahowa," (Racial Holy War), and
is regarded by the group as one of its core values. In another address,
Ben Klassen informed his followers what Rahowa actually means, and
felt no scruples about calling them to take up arms:
RAHOWA! In this one word we sum up the total goal and program of
not only the Church of the Creator, but of the total White Race, and it
is this: We take up the challenge. We gird for total
war against the Jews and the rest of the god-
damned mud races of the world—politically, mil-
itantly, financially, morally and religiously. In fact
we regard it as the heart of our religious creed,
and as the most sacred credo of all. We regard it as
a holy war to the finish—a racial holy war. 19
The expected war between the races is one
Ben Klassen