Page 13 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 13

Adnan Oktar

                  The truth is, however, that in the

             same way that you have no control over
             these processes, neither do enzymes,
             other proteins, or the larger molecules
             that control them actually have any
             power to do anything. All these process-
             es taking place in your body are under
             the control of Allah (God), and by de-
             pending on and placing your faith in
             this perfect system, you have actually
             submitted to Him. You are well aware

             that, apart from times of illness, none of
             your bodily functions will behave unex-
             pectedly. The reason for your confidence
             is your trusting knowledge of the sub-
             lime might of Allah, Who created you so
                  No one who claims to believe in co-
             incidences can live out a calm, untrou-
             bled and peaceful existence by trusting
             in a DNA that began copying itself by
             chance, enzymes that first entered into
             reactions by happenstance, or a heart

             that began beating accidentally. The rea-
             son why people can remain uncon-
             cerned and untroubled is their total con-
             fidence that their body's systems are
             able to function free of error. Such indi-
             viduals are well aware that these count-
             less processes cannot be explained in
             terms of chance.

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