Page 16 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 16

f Allah so chose, it could take us decades to
                                          produce just a fleeting smile. We would
                                          have to wait for years to be able to eat, to
                                          think, or to move and speak. If Allah so

                                          chose, a whole lifetime even might not be
                                          enough for us to turn over a single page of
                                          this book, nor even lift a single finger for
                                          the purpose of doing so.
                                              Our bodily systems do not work at
                                          this slow pace, of course. We can smile
                                          whenever we wish, walk and run, think
                                          unrestrictedly, blink in an instant, and in-
                                          stantaneously begin to do everything we
                                          have planned. That is because Almighty
                                          Allah has blessed us with a system that
                                          permits our bodies, which He has created

                                          so perfectly, to perform all their functions
                                          at great speed. Enzymes, with their extra-
                                          ordinary structures, are one of the most im-
                                          portant elements in this system's function-
                                              In the chemical miracle known as en-
                                          zymes, more than a hundred microscopic

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