Page 20 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 20
Harun Yahya
manual workers that build our body from proteins, carbohydrates, and
fats, just as construction workers build our homes. You may have all the
raw materials with which to build, but without the workers (enzymes)
you cannot even begin. 2
Enzymes are proteins that turn a cell into a highly developed
miniature factory working within a highly ordered system. To date,
over 2,000 enzymes have been identified. Working inside the arteries
are 98 distinct enzymes, each with its particular job to do. No one has
yet been able to determine how many enzymes control the heart, brain
or liver. 4
Enzymes initiate countless reactions within the cell, halt them
when necessary, alter the shape of molecules, produce new combina-
tions or eliminate ones that already exist. However, they themselves
never suffer damage or undergo any changes. Having performed the
needed tasks, they are ready to undertake new duties.
Enzymes function like catalysts: They accelerate chemical reac-
tions without actually taking part in them. To better understand this
concept, we need to understand just what catalysis is. In an environ-
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Enzyme Enzyme
Enzymes are catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions without actually taking part in
them. In a matter of moments, they enable tasks that can be carried out only under in-
tensive laboratory conditions and using enormous energy.