Page 17 - The Miraculous Machine that Works for an Entire Lifetime: Enzyme
P. 17
structures are combined in a three-dimen-
sional form, whose details the human
mind can grasp only with difficulty. Their
function in the body is to accelerate all
processes. Enzymes are essential in order
for us to blink, move our hands, see, di-
gest—in short, for us to pursue our lives. If
the enzymes in your body were unable to
function, you would perish. 1
Billions of the chemical devices
known as enzymes are at work within you,
even as you read these words. They initiate
countless functions essential to your sur-
vival by performing countless processes at
the same time. Unless the enzymes in your
body initiated their particular events, it
would be impossible for you to breathe,
read these lines or move your eyes from
one letter to another, let alone understand
their meaning. You possess a nose, wind-
pipe, lungs, and red blood cells to trans-
port oxygen—everything, in short, that
you need in order to breathe. But if the en-
zymes in your body did not function prop-
erly, you would be unable to draw breath.
By the mercy of Allah, we have very
superior helpers in our bodies that, by His
will, are in a constant state of activity.
Again by the mercy of Allah, these all help
to keep us alive. Were it not for them, just
one of the millions of links in the chains