Page 23 - Timelessness and the Reality of Fate
P. 23

The Universe Is Created From Non-Existence      21

            ments are thrown off reaching far and wide as a very hot shining dust
            cloud is blown out into space.
                 When these claims by Hoyle and his team were backed up by obser-
            vations, scientific circles imagined for a moment that they supported the
            idea of the infinite universe. The fact is, however, that there was an impor-
            tant question that could not be answered by Hoyle's concept, which said
            that all the elements came in a cycle from hydrogen. The question con-
            cerned how hydrogen, the basis of all the elements and that gave rise to
            stars, first appeared. That is because an extraordinarily high-temperature
            explosion would be needed to produce hydrogen. The scientific answer to
            that question, which Hoyle ignored, once again came as a disappointment
            to materialists.

                 New Evidence for the Big Bang: Cosmic Background Radiation

                 In a radio program in 1940s, Hoyle said, "If the universe began with a
            hot Big Bang, then such an explosion would have left a relic. Find me a fos-
            sil of this Big Bang." 14  The fossil that Hoyle and materialists never imag-
            ined would ever be discovered was in fact found soon after.
                 In 1948, the physicist George Gamow launched a new theory in order
            to find the traces of the Big Bang. The formation of the hydrogen necessary
            for the first stars to emerge could be explained by the Big Bang setting up
            extraordinarily high temperatures. In fact, findings from the traces of the
            earliest galaxies showed that a cosmic makeup of 80% hydrogen and 20%
            helium formed at the moment of the great explosion. That being the case,
            the radiation caused by the high temperatures that
            gave rise to those elements should still be in exis-
            tence, despite the passage of billions of years. Since
            the universe was expanding in all directions, like a
            balloon being inflated, low-level background radi-
            ation should have radiated out in all directions,
            and that now needed to be detected. Those traces
            were soon after identified, and the fossil that Hoyle
            was so certain would never be found was in fact
                 In 1965, two researchers by the name of Arno
            Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered these waves,
                                                                     George Gamow
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