Page 24 - Timelessness and the Reality of Fate
P. 24


            though they were not actually looking for them. This radiation, called "cos-
            mic background radiation", was different from radiation coming from a par-
            ticular point in space. It was extraordinarily uniform. In other words, it did
            not seem to radiate from a particular source but rather pervaded the whole
            of space. Thus, it was revealed that the heat waves that were uniformly radi-
            ated from all around space had been left over from the initial stages of the
            Big Bang. Penzias and Wilson were awarded a Nobel prize for their discov-
                 In 1989, George Smoot and NASA team sent a satellite into space.
            Called the "Cosmic Background Emission Explorer" (COBE), it took only
            eight minutes for the sensitive instruments on board the satellite to detect
            and confirm the levels of radiation reported by Penzias and Wilson. These
            results conclusively demonstrated the existence of the hot, dense form
            remaining from the explosion out of which the universe came into
            being.Cosmic background radiation was invisible to the naked eye, but it
            was everywhere in the universe and present everywhere we could see. If we
            could have seen these waves, the whole of the sky, in all directions, would
                                                have been equally brightly illumi-
                                                nated by it.
                                                     One piece of information dis-
                                                covered in 1992 by George Smoot
                                                from data obtained from COBE
                                                once again proved the truth of the
                                                Big Bang and the false nature of the
                                                "steady state theory." Following dis-
                                                coveries by Penzias and Wilson, the
                                                adherents of the steady state theory
                                                came up with a new claim. They
                                                said that cosmic background radia-
                                                tion temperature was uniform and
                                                that there would have to be varia-
        Eta Carinae star is destroyed by a supernova explo-  tions, in other words, small differ-
        sion. This and similar explosions always cause disor-
                                                ences in temperature, in order for
        der. However, the Big Bang, known as the most dras-
        tic explosion ever to have taken place, has given way  galaxies to form in the wake of a
        to a space based on extremely precise balances and  giant explosion. They suggested
        all the systems therein. This extraordinary balance
                                                that so long as this temperature dif-
        and order can by no means be explained away by
        coincidences and it all proves yet again that the  ference could not be identified, cos-
        entire universe has been created by an exalted and
        mighty Creator Who is Allah.
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