Page 39 - Timelessness and the Reality of Fate
P. 39
The Universe Is Created From Non-Existence 37
steady-state, the oscillating universe model, multiverse theory, and quan-
tum universe models in fact spring from the philosophical prejudices of
materialists. Scientific discoveries have demonstrated the reality of the Big
Bang and can even explain "existence from nothingness." And this is a defin-
itive piece of evidence of creation by Allah.
Ken Miller from Columbia University describes the light the Big Bang
sheds on the origin of the universe by saying:
One of the most remarkable findings of cosmological science is that the uni-
verse did have a beginning, and a spectacular beginning at that. Discussions
of first causes used to be dry philosophical constructs, theoretical arguments
against an infinite regression of events backwards in time. The big bang
made the first cause real. It placed a wall at the beginning of time, closing to
inquiry (but not, of course, to speculation) all events that might have
occurred before that cosmic explosion. In the view of many scientists, the big
bang casts a distinctly theological light on the origin of the universe. 42
In conclusion, the truth disclosed by science is this: Matter and time
have been brought into being by our Creator, Possessor of immense power
and unbound by neither time nor matter. It is Omniscient and Almighty
Allah Who created the universe in which we live.