Page 41 - Timelessness and the Reality of Fate
P. 41

The Universe Is Created From Non-Existence      39

                                          The End of Materialism
                                          All these facts indicate that the claims of the
                                     materialist philosophy, which is simply a 19
                                     century dogma, are invalidated by 20  century
                                     science. By erroneously deeming everything to
                                     consist of nothing but matter, materialism made
                                     the great mistake of denying the evident exis-
                                     tence of a Creator Who brought matter into being
                                     and ordered it. By exposing the great intellect
                                     and order prevalent in the material sphere,
                                     modern science has proved the existence of an
                                     almighty Creator Who rules over the material
            Modern science proves the reali-  sphere, that is, Allah. The order we encounter in
            ty of the creation of the universe
                                     the universe is also revealed in the world of living
            by Allah, contrary to what out-
            dated materialists philosophy  beings, causing the greatest support of material-
            maintains. Newsweek made "Sci-
                                     ism, Darwin's theory of evolution, to be literally
            ence Finds God" the cover story
            of its July 27th 1998 issue.
                                          Materialism could have held sway over a
            great number of people for centuries, having even disguised itself with the
                                    th                                st
            mask of "science" in the 19  century. Yet it seems that in the 21  century, it
            will be remembered as a superstitious belief opposing science. Humanity has
            rid itself of such superstitious beliefs as that the world stands on the horns of
            an ox, or that it is flat, and so will it rid itself of materialism.
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